Enhance Fertility with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs
Posted in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, Fertility, Women’s Health on 09/10/2010 01:55 pm by Tatjana Newman, L.Ac., MSTOMIntroduction
For centuries Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been successful in treating fertility, when originally very little was known about the different stages of the menstrual cycle and conception. Today a skilled practitioner bases his recommendations for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs on a detailed medical history intake (special attention is given to the signs accompanying each phase of the menstrual cycle), a basal body temperature (BBT) chart, and information gained from medical testing. The complex and holistic diagnosis process of TCM leads to a number of possible acupuncture and herbal prescriptions for the same western (lack of) diagnosis of モunexplained fertilityヤ.
How do acupuncture and herbs enhance fertility
The interplay of hormones is often compared to a symphony. Each member of the orchestra must be present and play in tune and time for the music to sound beautiful. The delicate balance and orchestration of hormone stimulation and release is just like that. One hormone out of sink will affect all the others. Therefore treatment requires subtle re-adjustment and re-balancing, something Chinese Medicine is particularly good at. As written in a previous article, the increased release of stress hormones can also interfere with adequate steroid sex hormone release. The deeply relaxing effects of acupuncture can be tremendously valuable to a womanメs menstrual cycle and her reproductive health.
How do Chinese Herbs help?
Chinese Herbs are usually recommended in formulas of 4-15 herbs that work together synergistically. Herbs are usually chosen from several categories to enhance or balance each otherメs effect. We may desire an herbal formula to モwarm the uterusヤ for example, to make it more receptive to a growing fetus, but we donメt want to engender excessive heat, therefore not all the herbs in a given formula will be warming; simultaneously we may wish to モbuild Blood and Qiヤ, and so on. Some herbal formulas are used to better the quality of the eggs and enhance ovulation.
Can acupuncture help me if I am around 40?
Yes! Usually, between ages 38 and 42 ovulation becomes less efficient, less regular and less predictable than in earlier years. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can regulate the cycle, enhance ovulation and support implantation. TCM plays a role at every stage of the cycle, and can often help attain pregnancy.
What is the role of TCM in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)?
Chinese Medicine can enhance fertility in many ways and plays a role in the different stages of trying to conceive. Clinical research has demonstrated that acupuncture before and after embryonic cell transfer almost doubles the pregnancy rate in IVF (in vitro fertilization). This success rate doesn’t even account for a most likely even higher pregnancy rate when acupuncture is received in the weeks preceding and following IVF. We can deduce that acupuncture will improve the outcome of other assisted fertility technology interventions. Acupuncture can also significantly reduce the side effects of the hormone treatments necessary to regulate the cycle, which can be severe and include nausea, vomiting, hot flashes, insomnia, headache, irritability, depression, fatigue, abdominal or pelvic discomfort and bloating.
And while acupuncture enhances fertility, reap such side effects as an increased sense of well-being, and a boost to the immune system